How to Fill Out the Basics Page for Your Campaign

Welcome to Lionize! The basics page is essential for structuring your campaign. Like any effective marketing strategy, we recommend running multiple campaigns simultaneously to A/B test and optimize your results for the best outcomes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Out the Basics Page

All of this information will be leveraged to build a contract (campaign brief) that will be distributed to targeted influencers to gauge their interest. Lionize refers to this as the contract, campaign brief, or application. This is the fundamental information required to create the high-level structure of the campaign. You will have the ability to edit the contract before officially publishing the campaign. Once a campaign is published, you can edit the campaign. 

  1. Campaign Name:

    • Importance: Your campaign name should be catchy and appealing to grab the attention of potential influencers. A good campaign name sparks curiosity and interest.
    • Example: Instead of “Summer Promotion,” try “Sunshine Giveaway Extravaganza!” This makes the campaign sound exciting and engaging.
  2. Brand Name:

    • Importance: Clearly stating your brand name helps influencers know who they’ll be working with, which builds trust and recognition.
    • Example: If your brand is “EcoBreeze,” use that instead of just “Eco.”
  3. Company Website:

    • Importance: Providing your website allows influencers to explore your brand, understand your products, and get a sense of your brand’s voice and aesthetic.
    • Example: Enter “” to give influencers easy access to learn more about your brand.
  4. Duplicating an Existing Campaign:

    If you want to run another campaign with the same type, you can easily duplicate an existing campaign. This feature saves you time by eliminating the need to fill out all the information again. Here's how to do it:

    • Navigate to Your Campaigns: Go to your campaign dashboard where all your existing campaigns are listed.
    • Select the Campaign to Duplicate: Find the campaign you want to replicate and click on it.
    • Duplicate the Campaign: Click the "Duplicate" button. This will create a copy of your campaign with all the existing details pre-filled.
    • Make Necessary Edits: You can then make any adjustments or updates to the duplicated campaign to tailor it to your new objectives.

    This process streamlines campaign creation, allowing you to efficiently manage multiple campaigns with similar structures and goals.

  5. Type of Campaign:

    • Importance: The type of campaign dictates what you expect from the influencers and what the final deliverables will be.
      • In-Feed Posting: Influencers post content directly on their social media feeds. This is great for broad visibility and engagement.
      • Content Generation (UGC): Influencers create content that you can use on your brand’s channels. This is useful for having high-quality, authentic content for your marketing needs.
      • Gifting: Influencers receive products for free and are encouraged (but not required) to post about them. This can lead to organic and genuine reviews and posts.
  6. Campaign Goal:

    • Importance: Your campaign goal aligns with your marketing objectives and influences the strategy and type of influencers you will recruit. Here are a few examples:
      • Promote a Giveaway: Encourages engagement and can boost your follower count.
      • Launch a New Product: Helps generate buzz and initial interest in your new product.
      • Increase Brand Awareness: Focuses on getting your brand in front of as many eyes as possible.
    • Example: If your goal is to “Promote a Giveaway,” influencers will create posts that encourage their followers to participate in the giveaway. The specifics of what is required of the influencer can be defined in the Collaboration and Content sections.
  7. I'm Promoting A..:

    • Importance: Specifying if you are promoting a physical product, service/app or in-person initiative helps drive the appropriate language in the application and how Lionize communicates the opportunity to influencers.
    • Example: For a physical product like “EcoBreeze Air Purifier,” influencers will showcase the product in their posts, highlighting its features and benefits.

Creating Your Campaign

Once you've filled out all the necessary fields, click on the "Create Campaign" button. Our system will use this information to build out a comprehensive campaign.

Before you publish the campaign, you have the opportunity to edit and adjust any details to ensure everything aligns with your goals. It's often easier to tweak an existing setup than to start from scratch, so make changes as needed.

Key Elements Before Publishing

We will go into more depth for each section but every campaign may include the following elements before publishing. Not every section is relevant depending on the type of campaign selected. Lionize built dynamic templates to reflect the information required based on the desired results you're looking to accomplish on a campaign-by-campaign basis. 

  1. Brand Messaging:

    • Clearly outline your brand's message and the key points you want influencers to communicate.
  2. Collaboration Requirements:

    • Define what you expect from the influencers in terms of collaboration. This could include posting frequency, types of content, and any specific hashtags or mentions.
  3. Content Requirements:

    • Specify the type of content you need from influencers. This could be photos, videos, stories, or blog posts.
  4. Demographic Information:

    • Provide details about the target demographic for your campaign. This includes age range, gender, interests, and location. This helps in recruiting the right influencers.
  5. Payment Information:

    • Outline how you plan to incentivize influencers. This could be monetary payment, free products, or other perks.

Publishing Your Campaign

Once all details are finalized, click on the "Publish" button in the last section, "Application Builder". Our search engine will use the provided information to find and recruit the right influencers for your campaign. You'll start receiving applications from interested influencers in a matter of minutes.

By following these steps, you'll be able to structure your campaign effectively and set yourself up for a successful influencer marketing initiative. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is here to help. Happy campaigning!